Principal Investigator: Prof. Pritish Kumar Varadwaj
Co-Investigators: Dr. B S Sanjeev
Contributors: Dr. Imlimaong Aier (Post Doc)
Role of the Institution in the GenomeIndia Project: To create tools for large-scale data analysis and to create a knowledgebase for association mining on gene-disease-drug interplay
The IIITA team has developed tools for fast and accurate clustering of large-scale data using DASK and RAPIDSAI frameworks. These tools are optimized for chromosome-based and complete genome-based clustering. Further, the team have optimized the pipelines for IBD analysis to identify common subpopulation SNPs. In addition, the team has developed a gene-disease-drug association database with six network mining and visualization tools (GDDExplorer, DGisExplorer, Disease2Gene, Disease2Drug, GDisexplorer, Gene2Disease). The detailed notes and algorithm are available on GitHub